
Alli Weight Loss Aid Review – Is this really ‘all it takes?’

Can Alli promote effective weight loss?

Alli Weight Loss Aid Overview

Diet, exercise, Alli – that’s all it takes!”, according to Alli’s informative promotional video. As an FDA-approved over-the-counter weight loss pill, Alli claims to be able to help people lose weight more than dieting alone.

One main way Alli differs from other weight loss supplements on the market is that it’s made up of a pharmaceutical drug called orlistat, as opposed to having a plant-based formula. Orlistat is also available in a higher dose in the prescription-only product called Xenical which contains 120mg of orlistat as opposed to Alli’s 60mg.

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Alongside a healthy lifestyle of more exercise and a lower calorie diet, Alli hopes to provide steady weight loss so you can achieve your ideal weight – and maintain it.

Alli seems to have been the answer to so many people’s weight-woes across the globe but how effective is this as a holistic weight loss aid? Can it really help you lose 2 to 3 pounds for every 5 pounds you lose like they claim?

Spot Me Girl is here to investigate so you can see if this is the right weight loss aid for you!

Pros and Cons of Alli


  • Stops a percentage of fat absorption every time you eat
  • Has thousands of happy customers
  • FDA-approved


  • Lacks appetite suppressing components
  • No metabolism-boosters or fat burning elements
  • Could have some nasty side effects
  • High price-point

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Alli: The Ingredients

So, this is different to most other weight loss aids which we review, with no individual natural ingredients to investigate. As it’s been developed as a pharmaceutical drug, orlistat, let’s find out what benefits you could expect to see in more detail.

  • Orlistat – The main premise of this drug is to prevent your body from absorbing dietary fat by blocking off the enzyme lipase in the gut. Lipase helps your intestines digest fat by breaking down fatty acids for fuel in your body[1]. By cutting off this enzyme, orlistat helps part of the fat consumed each mealtime pass through the body without being digested. Studies have found that orlistat could reduce the absorption of dietary fat by up to 30%[2] which is how it can contribute to weight loss. The less dietary fat absorbed, the less calories your body will store. In research done comparing placebo pills to orlistat, results showed participants lost up to 6 pounds[3]. Other benefits from orlistat include helping to reduce cholesterol, blood pressure[4] and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes[5].

INGREDIENTS: Microcrystalline cellulose (E460), sodium starch glycolate, povidone, (E1201), sodium laurilsulfate, talc, gelatin, indigo carmine (E132), titanium dioxide (E171), sodium laurilsulfate, sorbitan monolaurate, black ink (shellac, iron oxide black (E172), propylene glycol), gelatin, polysorbate 80, indigo carmine (E132).

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alli review product

How does Alli work?

Orlistat is the drug which makes up Alli and was developed to block the absorption of fat. It does this by attaching itself to some of the lipase enzymes so they won’t break down all of the fat you consume in meals. As a result, up to 30% of your dietary fat consumed could be expelled without being digested. Because dietary fat is high in calories, blocking a certain amount being processed in your body could lead to significant weight loss.

Alli is sold as a weight loss aid because it provides a long-term solution to your weight and helps you gently lose excess fat in your body so you can maintain it. The creators strongly advise to couple Alli with a balanced lifestyle of healthy, low fat dieting and more exercise in order to see the best results and avoid any side effects.

Whilst it doesn’t contain many of the other components like appetite suppressants or metabolism-boosters seen in many weight loss aids across the market, this does have the potential to give you the results you’re looking for.

What are the benefits of Alli?

  • Less calorie intake

The main benefit of Alli is its ability to reduce the calorie absorption in your body. Being on a calorie deficit is how you lose significant weight and Alli is designed to help your body stick to it by expelling part of the calories consumed before they have chance to get stored in your body. So, if you’re following a lower calorie diet anyway and doing more exercise, this could amplify your results and help you lose even more weight.

  • Better energy levels

As your body shape starts to change through the gradual loss of excess fat, you will feel more revitalized every day. Plus, if you’re following the recommended advice from Alli’s creators to take up regular exercise, more endorphins will be released meaning you could see a marked improvement in your overall energy, mood and motivation[6].

  • Helps support healthier lifestyle

The main advice from Alli’s creators is to put the effort in on your end as well, by following a low-fat diet and exercising more. In order to see the results you want, you have to put the work in meaning taking Alli could encourage you to lead a healthier lifestyle and develop a better attitude towards choosing food going forward.

alli benefits

  • Could lead to other health benefits

Orlistat has been linked to several other benefits from aiding weight loss, including reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes[7], decreasing blood pressure[8] and lowering cholesterol levels[9].

How to take Alli

The creators advise to take 3 capsules of Alli a day, preferably alongside each meal. They also recommend drinking plenty of water throughout the day too.

As we mentioned earlier, Alli works best when combined with a low-fat diet and exercise regime, so you should get a plan together before you start your cycle to be ready to hit the ground running. It’s important that you do listen to the diet advice recommended as Alli can lead to a number of adverse side effects if not followed properly.

Other recommendations would be to keep on top of your multivitamins per day as Alli can impair the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K[10].

Alli results – before and after

It’s clear to see when you look at customer reviews that Alli is a big hit with some people – and showing some really good results.

Alli review results1

Kitty C: ‘Worth a try! Helps you to eat less fried food.’ Published: Jan, 2019

Alli review results1

EB: ‘Alli has helped me lose 88 pounds’ Published: July, 2016

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Alli Reviews – what are other people saying?

Although there is a lot of praise for Alli in terms of its effectiveness, it’s worth noting that many people have experienced some pretty unpleasant side effects – mostly revolving around uncontrollable bowel movements from the fatty oils passing through. This is presumably why Alli recommends a low-fat meal plan to avoid any excess fat being expelled in unfortunate circumstances.

Alli Weight Loss Aid Review - Is this really 'all it takes?' 1 Alli Review 1

Does Alli have side effects?

The short answer to this is: it’s very possible. Because of the way Alli works, you’re likely to experience digestive symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea and flatulence. As you’ve seen above, fecal incontinence and loose, oily stools have also been reported. This is due to the presence of undigested fat in the bowel so it’s really worth adopting the low-fat diet as advised to avoid any of these side effects.

You could also miss out on some important nutrients such as vitamin A, D, E and K due to the fat-blocking process so make sure you take Alli alongside a multivitamin to keep your vitamins levels where they should be.

As with any supplement or dietary pill, make sure you consult your medical practitioner if you have any concerns about taking it, or are on any medication.

You should not take Alli if you’re pregnant, nursing, have had an organ transplant or taking medication to prevent rejections, have problems absorbing food or are not overweight.

Alli Review: Our Conclusion

So, this was quite a different supplement to the regular fat burners we usually review. Although the end goal is the same, Alli goes down a different route to aid weight loss. Rather than many other fat burners that speed up your metabolism to burn off stored fat, Alli reduces the amount of fat absorbed in the first place, leaving you with less to burn off.

Like other diet pills, the creators of Alli recommend taking it alongside a healthy lifestyle with more exercise and a low-fat meal plan. However, the difference is, if you don’t follow that advice, you could end up suffering some pretty unpleasant and embarrassing side effects when it comes to your bowel movements.

Apart from that fear factor of what could happen from eating unhealthy food (which could be quite an effective appetite suppressant in itself), we can’t help but miss the more holistic approach to weight loss offered in other weight loss supplements. Mood elevators, appetite suppressors and energy boosters, alongside metabolism enhancement to burn off those extra calories, all help to make your weight loss journey a lot easier and less stressful.

On one hand, you can’t argue with the results – Alli has been the answer to literally thousands of overweight people across the globe to get them back into shape. For us, though, it seems like you could achieve similar results without Alli, just following a low-fat diet and exercise regime to keep weight off. And with the help of a better value, all-natural fat burner to control hunger, revitalize energy and kickstart your metabolism you’ll have better support to achieve even more on your weight loss journey.

Want to see which fat burners we think are worth a look at? Check out our Editor’s Choice Best Fat Burners for Women for a list of safe, effective products – without the scary side effects.

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Here at Hey Spot Me Girl, we’re all about safety – so we wanted to remind you to double-check with your doctor or physician if you have any concerns at all about introducing a new supplement into your diet.

Whilst supplements could be a great boost to your lifestyle, they could also have adverse effects on your body if not used properly, or if you have sensitivity to any of the ingredients. So, make sure you always check the label fully. Also, make sure you stick to the usage instructions, particularly during the first week.

It’s also worth pointing out you shouldn’t rely on supplements alone to achieve your physique goals. Remember girls, supplements are enhancers – not the only answer!

A balanced diet, consistent workout plan and sensible lifestyle choices are the fundamentals behind real change – and your supplement should only ever be used as a way of optimizing the results of your hard work, not a way of replacing it altogether.

So, whatever supplements you choose to improve your life, make sure your health and welfare is always paramount over anything else every single time.

*DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Products are intended for use alongside a diet and exercise regime. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Hey Spot Me Girl are not intended for the purpose of medical advice.

Individual results may vary. Please always consult your health care provider if you are taking any medications or have any medical condition. Must be 18 years or older to purchase. Always reference the ingredients and directions on the product label.

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